All Live Streams that streamed successfully and had no significant Internet issues will be uploaded automatically. You can also manually upload an On Demand video or pre-recorded video file.
Before uploading, we recommend you match your video file with the following specifications:
- Files in .MP4 format
- H.264 compression
- Constant bitrate encoding between 1-5 Mbps
- Square pixels
- Fixed 30fps frame rate
- Progressive scan
- Stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps
Tutorial tip: Follow the red action box or click Next button to proceed.

1. The first step is to open NFHS Console and click Sign in.

2. Click the "Title" of the event you wish to edit.

3. Once inside your events "Event Detail" page, Click "Edit Event" to view/change the events details.

4. Scroll down and click "Open File".

5. Once your file is selected, Click "Upload" to confirm your selection.

6. This area will show a blue bar displaying the progress of your video upload.

7. Once fully uploaded, you can click on your events title to bring you back to the Event Details.

8. Here you can scroll down and click the image under the Videos On Demand section to view your new uploaded VOD.

9. If your event still says "PENDING" this means your video file is still being processed in the background. This can take a few hours depending on your video file size.

10. Once all processing & background tasks are complete you can now view your VOD hitting the Play icon highlighted.

Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **