If you are having trouble uploading videos to Console, go through the following troubleshooting steps to resolve your issue. If none of these steps work, please contact our support team.
Failed Upload Troubleshooting Steps
Most issues can be resolved by a simple do-over. If your video doesn't upload completely and is stuck on 'Video Pending,' try again. If it fails on the second time, try some of the following steps:
- Clear your browsers cache and cookies. Click here for steps on how to clear your cache and cookies in each browser.
- Use a different web browser. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox.
- Check your original file for any issues. Make sure that you’re using the following encoding settings below for your video files.
Video Format:
Wrapper: MP4
Codec: H.264
Bitrate (video): 1-5 Mbps
Frame Rate: 30 fps or 29.27 fps
Frame Size: 1920x1080 (Or lower)
Bitrate (audio): 128 Kbps
Audio Frequency: 44100 Hz
Audio Encoding: Stereo AAC
- Disable any browser extensions or ad-blocking software.
- Update your browser to the most recent version.
- Restart your computer. Occasionally, one-time issues may prevent your video file from uploading correctly, and a restart may solve these problems.
- End or pause any activities on your network that might be consuming a lot of bandwidth (Netflix, online games, other uploads or downloads, etc.)
- If you're connected to a restricted network, such as in a workplace or education institution, contact your network administrator and confirm the domains are whitelisted for nfhsnetwork.com and all subdomains.
If you need additional support, log in to your Console Mobile account with your mobile phone via help.nfhsnetwork.com and select the yellow 'GET HELP' button located on the bottom right of your screen to submit a support ticket.