Your NFHS Network School Page is where your video content will live and contains other important information about your school, including social media links, an about section, rival schools, and more!
You can also add large "carousel" images, which are images that will be displayed on your school's NFHS network page. These carousel images can be used to show your school spirit or to promote sponsor messaging and can link directly to the sponsor's URL.
If you have multiple images that you've uploaded, they will rotate at the top of your page. You can display up to 6 images at a time.
The carousel images should be in the following specs (we recommend sending these specs to your sponsors to ensure they provide the correct images):
- Desktop Banner: 928 x 300 (File Size: 250 kb max)
- Mobile Banner: 288 x 200 (File Size: 150 kb max)
Example of a Carousel image
Watch this video or read the written instructions below to learn how to update your School Page and add/edit carousel images:
Instructions for Updating School Page Info:
1) Log onto Console using your desktop computer by going to
2) Go to the School Page section on the left-hand side.
3) Click on your school under Choose a School to Edit as seen in the image below:
4) Scroll down until you reach the School Page About Section. We recommend that you fill out all applicable fields.
5) Scroll down a little further and you'll reach the NFHS Network Page Details section. You can include any relevant social media links and update your Carousel images.
Updating Carousel Images
1) In the NFHS Network Page Details section, click Add Desktop/Tablet Carousel Image or Add Mobile Carousel Image. Adding an image to one of these sections optimizes it for that type of device, so we recommend adding your images to both sections so viewers using either device will be able to see your images clearly.
2) Click on the words Add File at the top. You can add text to an image by typing in the Alt Text field, and add a clickable link to the image in the Image Link.
3) From here, choose the image you want and click Save Changes.
By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the editing process with confidence, ensuring that your school's page accurately reflects its vibrant spirit and accomplishments.