Every event your school broadcasts on the NFHS Network is available to view in Console, both Live and On Demand.
A Video On Demand (or VOD) is the video of a broadcasted game that you can watch.
Viewing a Live Video
1) Log onto Console at http://console.nfhsnetwork.com
2) Click on Events from the left-side menu.
3) If you only have one school connected to your Console account, all your events will appear. You can use filters to narrow down a specific event or a date by clicking Advanced Search just below the search bar.
After you click Advanced Search, it takes you here. This is where you can adjust the filters.
4) Once you find the event, click on the event ID to open the event details page.
5) Scroll down and click on the thumbnail image under the Live Streams section.
6) Then click on the Productions tab. This will bring you to the page with the live stream video player.
Viewing a Video on Demand (VOD)
1) Log onto Console at http://console.nfhsnetwork.com
2) Click on Events from the left-side menu.
3) If you only have one school connected to your Console account, all your events will appear. You can use filters to narrow down a specific event or a date by clicking on Advanced Search just below the search bar.
After you click Advanced Search, it takes you here. This is where you can adjust the filters.
4) Once you find the event, click on the event ID to open the event details page.
5) Scroll down and click the thumbnail image under Video on Demand (VOD).
6) From here, the video player will appear and you’ll be able to watch it.
With this information, you should be able to easily find and watch your favorite games, matches, and events using Console.