We're sorry you've had this issue! There are a few things you can look into when investigating why your Pixellot didn't stream.
- Was the game scheduled correctly? Check to see if there is a PIXELLOT EVENT ID associated with your event. If there isn't then the event never connected to Pixellot's server and it did not actually schedule on your unit.
- Was the broadcast scheduled more than 30-minutes before start time? It takes a few minutes for all the servers to communicate with each other and then to subsequently communicate with your Pixellot unit. Making sure that everything is entered into console at least 30 minutes before the event is slated to start is paramount!
- Is your unit powered on? Many times units can lose power and you may not realize it. Check that the power lights on the front of your unit are illuminated and that the power is secured in the outlet.
- Is your unit connected to the internet? You can connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse to your unit and confirm that the internet is working by simply going to any website.
- Have you confirmed with your IT specialist that all ports are opened? There are times, albeit rare, that the network conditions affecting your unit could change and cause your unit to no longer be able to stream. We suggest confirming with your IT specialist that all ports are opened for that specific unit. (PORT LIST)
- Is your VPU connected to your camera? At times, albeit rarely, units can become disconnected from cameras. Check that the 2-4 cables connecting your VPU to your camera are all connected and that the lights on the network card are illuminated.
If you feel like all of this is good to go then please reach out to our Network Operations team by going to help.nfhsnetwork.com and clicking on the yellow GET HELP button.